I found Rivers and Tides, the documentary about Andy Goldsworthy very interesting. The way he approaches art is incredible. He is not just making a sculpture, he is becoming one with nature. The way that he builds things just for the beauty of them is so interesting. I think that what I can take away from his documentary is that he has found goodness in nature. He really discovers the soul of these objects like rocks, branches, ice, water, leaves, and other things. Goldsworthy takes my question to a different level that I have never thought about. What he is doing is finding the goodness in these objects and making something beautiful with them. This also shows something about Goldsworthy as a person. He looks for the goodness in people, but also in nature. The way he discovers beauty is unlike any other way I have seen and I think that is pretty remarkable. Rivers and Tides has taught me that goodness can be found not only in man, but in nature as well.